Saturday, August 20, 2011

Back to School

August always brings the combination of the dread and excitement of going back to school.  We ALL dread getting up earlier than usual and the waiting, either in traffic or for the school bus.  The excitement of getting new clothes, seeing friends all day, maybe just getting out of the house, or maybe learning something new…NAH!
The Back to school sales fell short this year. I didn’t really see many deals I can say was worth driving around for because my gas going from one store to another cost more than the savings.  And the ones that did have a good sale were either short-lived or just good on paper.
Tax free week was only three days, which for those who didn’t get paid that week may not have been able to take advantage.  In some stores you would think that it was Christmas. And yet I still didn’t see much worth getting (that I actually needed, lots that I didn’t).  The only ones who really made out that weekend was the ones who planned for it, the early Christmas shoppers, and maybe the ones with stamina.  I clearly didn’t have the stamina and if I started Christmas shopping now I will have gotten 5 things for each person by Christmas!  Because, clearly, if I couldn’t plan right for tax free weekend, I can’t remember what I bought in August for December. Right?
So, I think I’m done with crayons, paper, folders, and binders in the oddest sizes.  So I apologize to all the teachers out there that has the one student who didn’t have markers available, or wide ruled paper, or the green, pocket folder with prongs. I’m sorry.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  There was a hundred other people crowding around the same bin with markers, they ran out of the green folders, and I thought I had wide ruled paper that turned out to be college ruled.  But I would love to know what they really use those green folders for?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Now that I have time, where did everybody go?

I taught them to be independent (my kids that is).  So perhaps I am partly to blame as they don’t seem to need my companionship these days. 
I remember yesterday when my children were underfoot as soon as I got home from work, when my only thought was getting dinner started and the ten other things on my daily to do list.  These were the days when I began to put the cereal on the bottom shelves of the pantry and milk on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.  (A tip that I share with any parent that is overwhelmed with time or lack of) 
Now, when I’m not rushing to get dinner on the stove or baths done before bed, I have to seek them all out for a “How was your day?” conversation.  The pick me up cries turned into a mini shadows, into goodnight kisses, and now a back seat to the tv shows, ipod, facebook, and texting.  Mom is no longer numero uno.
With all the multitasking, sacrificing, planning and trying to keep everything in line, I forgot to enjoy the everyday family life.  I miss the hugs, silly games, watching movies, and uncontrollable belly laughs.  So for all the multi-taskers out there, slow down.  Things can still get done without sacrificing the time with the family. 
So my new tip: Have your kids help with dinner, looking up recipes online, cutting vegetables into interesting shapes, baking dinner rolls, or making desserts.  If you teach them the recipes along the way (or start creating your own) you can add to their independence and still enjoy the process.  My kids may not depend on me for breakfast anymore but creating breakfast together is a great way to start my Saturdays.  The few extra minutes meals may take will be worth the memory it creates. 
Does anyone else have any tips they can share?